beauty · relaxation

Perfume Review: Skin Musk Parfum de Coeur

Fresh, clean, easy to wear: of course it was only a matter of time before I bought and reviewed Skin Musk by Parfum de Coeur. As someone that LOVES musk fragrances (like Musk Rose by Al Rehab and Diptyque Fleur De Peau [review coming soon!]), I was compelled to buy this classic perfume. I remember seeing this scent in drugstores and Kmart when I was young, and, as it turns out, it had been around for a long time before I was born (it launched in 1975). Nearly 50 years into its existence, it finally made its way into my review rotation!

I expected this oil to have a straightforward history, but as it turns out, the fragrance’s backstory is a bit muddled. Skin Musk was originally released by Bonne Bell, and at some point the scent was made by Prince Matchabelli (the company that I remember from my youth). At this point, I’m not clear on whether Prince Matchabelli still makes this scent, or if the company that currently makes Skin Musk – Parfums de Coeur – is the sole producer. Aside from the manufacturing history, the formulation itself has changed, and there are plenty of dissatisfied users that have commented on the thicker consistency and slightly more complex notes present in the original version. While there are plenty of discussions online that debate the current iteration of the scent and how true it is to the original version, I decided to just stick with and review the recent version.

I ordered the fragrance on Amazon, and I eagerly tried it when I got my bottle. I took off the cap and I was immediately hit by the familiarity of the scent: I couldn’t place it at first, but then it occurred to me. This scent was quite popular when I was younger (definitely ubiquitous) and I’m sure I was often in the presence of people wearing it. More impressive, however, was how much this scent reminded me of my mother. That’s when it occurred to me: Skin Musk was just like Egyptian Musk (the popular oil available at many incense seller stands and beauty supply stores) but without the light spiciness.

I wore this all day and it lasted beautifully. It wasn’t overwhelming: it remained soft and powdery, but with just a touch of base to it (the sandalwood in this formula is elegant and not too woody). The sillage is lovely, and this is the perfect scent to wear when you want something tasteful, pretty and not too aggressive. It’s a perfectly polite fragrance. I love it!

Here’s my review of Skin Musk on YouTube:

Have you tried this lovely fragrance before? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

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