
Book Review – True Gifts by Jewel Veitch

The book I’m reviewing is one of my favorites of the year (so far) True Gifts by Jewel Veitch is a fascinating self improvement book that promises to help you uncover your talents and give you the first steps to creating a fully actualized life. The author does this by asking deep questions and providing exploratory exercises that go beyond the fluff that is typically included in self help books. If the questions and exercises are completed in the way that Veitch encourages, the reader will absolutely uncover new data points and be well on the way to crafting a dream lifestyle.

True Gifts is a partially biographical workbook of sorts: it tells of Veitch’s path to stepping into boldly living her life, including some of the devastating events that put her on her path. The book also tells the stories of some of her clients, some of whom most people will be able to relate to in some way. I really enjoyed one of the clients she mentoined, who was a retired teacher that came to her, “empty, tired and directionless”. It was through her work with Veitch that she uncovered her playful, creative nature again, which revived her love for teaching. Instead of letting her love for instruction usher her into recreating the same energy-depleting career she’d just left, she was able to find a school where she could bring her most delightful self back into a classroom setting where her gifts could fully shine.

The questions that Veitch includes in her book really get to the heart of your unique gifts and desires. One of the questions that is posed in Chapter 4 really made me stop and examine my dreams a little closer was, “How do I embrace [my dream] fully, or reject it in ways I’m not even aware of?” Reading this queston was like a gut check: the truth is, if you’re not living your dream, then it’s clear that rejection of some sort is happening, even in small, inconspicuous ways. The following question, “How do I communicate with [my dream] to hold it close?” further highlighted how knowing the dream wasn’t enough: being in communication (specifically, meaningful, regular connection) with it is required.

The book is about 3 hours worth of reading time (a perfect length if you’re someone that prefers to get through books quickly) but if you want to get the most out of it, you’ll have to use some additional time to explore the questions and activities that Veitch outlines. This book is not for passive consumption: this is absolutely a WORKbook, (emphasis on WORK), and the inner work that this book walks you through is potentially life-changing and certainly life-affirming. If you’re unsure about who you really are or why you’re here, this book would be a great one to explore. I can confidently recommend this book as a companion on your self mastery journey.

True Gifts is one of many excellent works published by Difference Press. Headed by Dr. Angela Lauria, Difference Press specializes in publishing the works of transformational coaches, speakers, and leaders. I have enjoyed several of the books released by them, and I continue to be impressed by the quality of the work presented by the authors that are coached and developed through Difference Press. If you aren’t familiar with them, please check out their website and get onto their mailing list. And, if anything about True Gifts inspired you or piqued your curiosity, then please check out Jewel Veitch’s website and join her mailing list as well.

That’s it for today, friends. Please take care and I’ll talk to you all soon!

*This post has referral links.

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