
Fibro Friday – Five Things You Need To Know About The Condition

I have some insights on what you can expect after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. These are my thoughts on things that are part of the fibro experience that are rarely discussed when talking about the condition.

  1. Diagnosis isn’t as helpful as you would think (or hope). Once you get the diagnosis, you can access certain resources and support groups. BUT, you have to remember that there aren’t many well established organizations or support structures for fibromyalgia patients: overall, the resources are lacking. So prepare yourself for a lot of work, even after you’ve gotten your diagnosis.
  2. Focus on rebuilding instead of repairing. This condition isn’t like healing from the flu or a broken bone: repair isn’t really as comprehensive as one would hope.
  3. Healing probably won’t come from standard medicine.
  4. Nervous system care should be your focus, in most cases.
  5. Most severe flares are preventable.

Want to hear more about what I’ve learned? Here’s the video I did on this topic:

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